
Italy Gourmet Carnival 2019

Bailliage of Venezia, Italy
Venice, February 21-24, 2019

3rd edition of this special event

The Bailliage of Venice is pleased to present to all Chaîne members around the world, in the company of their friends and relatives, the programme of the 3rd Carnevale del Gusto (Gourmet Carnival).

This new edition has been enthusiastically requested not only by many members of the Confrérie who have taken part in previous ones but also by many who have not yet had the opportunity to participate for whatever reason.

Supported by the National Bailliage and its Bailli Délégué, Dr Roberto Zanghi, the Bailliage of Venice renews its commitment to offering a unique event focused on high quality food and wines.

To complement the fine dining there will be an exclusive programme of cultural activities which has been conceived to excite those who already know the city and those who are visiting Venice for the first time.

We very much hope to fulfil your expectations with this latest incarnation of the very special event that is the Venice Gourmet Carnival!

For full details and to book please click this link: Programme

Enrico Spalazzi

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