
Mexico - reflections of a Chaîne member

Bailliage of Mexico
Cuernavaca, November 17, 2020

The Chaîne in our lives
" Chaîne: I got it. You are relevant to all! We are you. You are us "

In challenging times like this, I questioned the relevance of the Chaîne in our lives. During the first months of confinement it was not among my priorities. The newsletters were at the bottom of my list. I often left them unread. Trying to cope with the news and personal changes, hoping that I would not be affected by the pandemic was enough.

Being a member of the Board of the Bailliage of Mexico, we did not have much contact at the beginning. I only had a couple of good-will messages from one Board member to another. We held a couple of virtual events, mostly wine tastings. At my local Bailliage, we did not have any relevant activity maintaining social distance choosing to keep everyone safe.

Bailli Délégué Thierry Blouet asked us to be sensitive back then, be patient. Again, I was unsure about the Chaîne in that moment. Then, something happened at the end of summer. The very proactive Bailli Fernando Brizuela from Guadalajara, Mexico sent an invitation to a virtual tasting that I could not attend. Without any reason, I just felt left out.

I questioned the relevance of the Chaîne because of current COVID-19 situation, but also because I was taking it for granted. I assumed that an international gastronomy association was not that important but then we organized an informal online meeting amongst us in late September.

Something happened!

We laughed. We started talking. Making plans. Plans that included not only the participants but the rest of the nine local Bailliages in Mexico. After six months of confinement, it was a fresh start with a sip of wine, home-made snacks and smiles through the computer screen.

Then, I understood what the Chaîne meant for all of us. I was engaged by the meaning of camaraderie around good food and fine wines, at the very least a virtual environment that kept me longing for more!

We planned to meet again.

Next time was a formal meeting with Bailli Délégué Blouet and all the Board in Mexico. The message from our leader was clear: stay safe, be cautious and reasonable considering the pandemic but plan one event for this year. The message was received and integrated with the ongoing plans of each Bailli.

The Mexican Chaîne community has organised at least one event per local Bailliage or is planning activities before the year’s end.

From the separate articles published on the events around the country, you will no doubt have gathered that indeed something happened!

Chaîne: I got it. You are relevant to all! We are you. You are us. Have a good wine, eat good food, but most important smile with a friend.

Vive la Chaîne!

Marco Albarrán
Chargé de Presse

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