
Finland Chapitre

Bailliage of Tampère, Finland
Tampere, December 9, 2016

Themed on Finland's 100 years of independence

This was the eighth Chapitre staged by the Bailliage. It was held in the Restaurant Ziberia - a specialist banqueting facility owned and operated by Juvenes Catering - situated in a former textile industry area in the heart of city. It was in the same place that in 1882 the first electric light in the Nordic countries was illuminated.

Juvenes offers tailored catering services for family celebrations, corporate events and academic ceremonies. In recognition of the high quality of its food and service, Juvenes was the first catering service in Finland awarded with the Chaîne Professionals plaque.

The Chapitre was very well patronised with some 175 members and guests in attendance, 40 of whom received new ribbons. Finland’s Chancelier, Juha Ojamo, in his capacity as a Member of the Conseil Magistral, presided over the Induction Ceremony.

The theme of the Gala Dinner was “100 years of Finland’s independence” - gained from the Russian Republic in 1917. The national colours of blue and white were much in evidence.

Tampere is the second biggest Bailliage in Finland with some 340 members. Bailli Mikko Reinikka, who is also a Chargé de Missions with the National Bailliage, is naturally most gratified with the deep cooperation between Professional and Non-Professional members in the Bailliage.

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